Show and Tell 27th February 2024, 6pm (UK time) via Zoom

27 February 2024

On Tuesday, February 27th the Society will be having our 2024 ‘Show & Tell’ online event on Zoom, following the same successful pattern already established.  This email is our invitation to you. Join the Executive Committee and your fellow members for a stimulating and enjoyable time together. Start time is once again 6pm UK time. Another great line-up of Presenters will each have 5–10 minutes to share about a specific map.

I am pleased to again be able to inform you that we have a true mix of both presenters and maps. Topics span from the Nuremburg Chronicles to modern Zuni peoples mapping! There are 7 presenters this time, allowing slightly more room for discussion and questions, as wished.

Register now!
So now it is time to register if you wish to join the event as a participant. Just follow this link:

As soon as you have completed the very brief Registration form you will receive an automated confirmation of your intent to attend and will also receive a ‘reminder’ email the day before the ‘Show & Tell’ takes place. Both confirmation and reminder will contain the Zoom joining link. Zoom does not have to be downloaded to join in.

Open to all
Please share widely. Yet again, IMCoS would like to extend this invitation to participate beyond our own membership. Feel free to circulate this email and link to members of other map societies who you feel may be interested.

Zoom on Tuesday, February 27th at 6pm UK time. The meeting will be chaired. There will be time for questions during the presentations – if the presenter has taken less than 10 minutes on the initial share! I will indicate each time whether this is feasible or not. The language of the event is English.

Participants will be provided with a short bio on each presenter. Brief details of the cartographic items will accompany this. There is no need to say a word – or even be seen if you do not wish to be. Just listening in is still welcome participation. And of course, you can leave the meeting whenever you need to.

I trust that we will see you on the 27th.

Dr Mike Sweeting
On behalf of the Executive Committee