Second IMCoS Online ‘Show & Tell’ Meeting

30 November 2021

Following the great feed-back we received from our first ever Zoom ‘Show & Tell’ in the Spring, an Autumn one is now scheduled for November 30th at 6pm UK time. Several Presenters will each have 5–10 minutes to present a map.

Each presenter will share about a single map for 5 minutes or so (a maximum of 10 minutes). Feel free to share concerning a favourite map, a map with memories, a map that illustrates a scientific or social point, a map that has changed history, a map you recently bought, a map that gets you excited, the mapmaker, etc. Maps do not have to be antique (i.e., over 100 years old). Please note that the language of the events is English.

To express interest in presenting a short topic, please contact Mike Sweeting, our new Chairman, by email at as soon as possible. Do not worry about the IT side. We will give full guidance and assistance to all those who end up sharing on the day.

NB: If you have previously already offered yourself as a Presenter and we did not use you because the schedule was full, you will be given priority this time. BUT please, please follow the same protocol as for new presenters shared below, stating that you still wish to contribute and what your topic will be. Those who have presented before are not excluded, although first timers take precedence. You will need a new map and topic of course!