Looking for Membership Coordinator

Job Descriptions for the Membership Coordinator

This is a part-time post, requiring on average around 10 hours per month, remunerated on an hourly basis. The person appointed should be computer literate, and have their own computer. Training will be given and programs installed by the society for Quickbooks (financial); Membership matters are administered through the Society’s website.

The Membership Secretary will:

1 Check new members’ data on the database, and maintain membership records on the society’s website where needed; members mainly maintain their own data.

2 Send renewal reminders when subscriptions are due.

3 Send updated distribution list to the Printer each quarter for mailing the Journal.

4 Deal with correspondence from members, with support from committee members.

5 Keep statistics of member numbers, and prepare reports for the executive committee.

6 Maintain confidentiality of the Society’s data and passwords and ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act.

7 Receive members’ subscriptions (if not automated), plus any other any incoming monies.

8 Receive applications for IMCoS functions, process payments and advise organisers of names of attendees.

9 Prepare and issue invoices in respect of advertisements in the Society’s Journal; issue reminders and advise the Advertising Manager of any overdue invoices.

10 Make ledger postings in respect of payments made by the Hon. Treasurer and direct payments shown on bank statements. Payments are issued by the Hon. Treasurer, and copies of supporting documents are forwarded promptly for posting.

11 Reconcile the bank accounts, and prepare quarterly Accounts for the Hon. Treasurer.

12 Calculate any year end accruals and debtors, and prepare draft year end accounts for the Hon. Treasurer (note that as an unincorporated Society, the Society’s Accounts are not defined by anyone other than us).