Helsinki International Symposium, 22-24 August 2023

22 - 24 August 2023

The Symposium is organized by Cartographic Society of Finland and the Chartarum Amici.  It is sponsored by the National Land Survey of Finland, the City of Helsinki, and the John Nurminen Foundation.

Preliminary – August 21st – Optional pre-conference tour of Helsinki in the morning. Optional special lecture on the History of Finland for visitors in the afternoon.

Main Conference:

August 22nd – Lectures in the morning at the House of Science and Letters. Afternoon visit to National Library and the Nordenskiöld Collection. Evening reception by the City of Helsinki.

August 23rd – Lectures in the morning at the House of Science and Letters. Afternoon visit to the National Archives and War Maps collection. Evening reception and exhibition of map collection at the John Nurminen Foundation.

August 24th – Lectures in the morning at the House of Science and Letters. Afternoon visit to the Helsinki City Museum. Evening take ferry to Suomenlinna Fortress for closing banquet.

Post Conference Excursion – August 25th – 27th – Guided tour of Eastern Finland.

Use this link to get to the website for more details. IMCOS Helsinki, August 22–24, 2023 – Suomen Kartografinen Seura (SKS)   Detailed registration information, cost, and hotel information soon to follow.

Information Contact

In Finland – conference organizer – Antti Jakobsson –

In U.S. – International Chairman – Wes Brown –